Quest Products Corporation was incorporated in 1994 to develop and to bring forth unique and novel application of pesticides, pesticide formulations and controlled release fertilizer products with application in agriculture, turf, horticulture and aquatics.
The early stages Quest offered consulting services for marketing and product development for a number of major manufacturers. In the early 90’s Quest was one of the “behind the scene pioneers” in the introduction of Phos Phite based fertilizers and fungicides in the United States. Controlled release liquid and dry fertilizers were extensively researched in many crop applications both domestically and internationally.
Quest’s activities have contributed to 5 patents being submitted to the U.S. Patent Office of which 2 are currently under review.
In 2001 the pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum, known as Sudden Oak Death, (SOD) was identified as the pathogen that was attacking and killing many heritage Oak, Tan Oak and Redwood trees in California. The pathogen threatened to spread to balance of the United States.
Quest invented the application method of “basal bark application” with PENTRA-BARK® surfactant. Quest also determined why and how the application worked through the plants own metabolic pathways and the mode of action within the plant that enabled the pesticide application to be effective.
Subsequent to this discovery a number of other pesticides have been tested and proven effective with PENTRA-BARK® in basal bark applications those being systemic fungicides, systemic insecticides, and plant growth regulators. This new and novel application method holds great promise to reduce pesticide exposure to the applicator, to the environment, reduce the number of pesticide applications, reduction of the total amount of pesticide applied and reduce or eliminate chemical trespass.
Quest currently has 2 patents under review at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for this new novel application method and technology.
Fall Newsletter 2022
Reliant Granular Controlled-Release Phosphite 28g Beech leaf disease is a new disease affecting native and ornamental...
New Application Technology

PENTRA-BARK® is a unique patent pending surfactant application for treatment of trees and plants. PENTRA-BARK® has been specifically designed for use on herbaceous woody plant surfaces with fungicides, insecticides, plant growth regulators and micro-nutrients.
PENTRA-BARK’s new technology facilitates “non-invasive treatment” of trees and woody plants with systemic pesticides/nutrients. Conventional treatment methods utilizing labor intensive drilling, injection of root flare, and high pressure deep root injection of pesticides for soil saturation is eliminated. The liability of chemical trespass with foliar application is also eliminated.
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